
Black vinyl windows vs. black Fibrex® material windows

Black windows are striking, but they’re not all created equal. Here’s what you need to know about black vinyl windows, and why Fibrex® material is the superior alternative.

Photo by: Spacecrafting
100 Series single-hung windows with specified equal light grilles Dark bronze interiors and exteriors

Vinyl windows are widely available across a number of manufacturers. For reasons we’ll get to in just a minute, we’ve developed a smart alternative to the 100%-vinyl window. Fibrex material performs better in all climates, won’t fade*, is aesthetically pleasing, and can be used in any project — from replacement to new builds. If you’re considering black windows, you’ll want to understand the difference between these two materials. To help you do that, we’re answering a few of the most frequently asked questions about black vinyl windows and explaining how they compare to Fibrex material windows.

Are black vinyl windows a good idea?

While vinyl is a commonly used window material due to its cost effectiveness and resistance to water, it may not be the best option for making an entire window. This is because vinyl is a flexible material that’s prone to warping, particularly in extreme heat. The problem is magnified with a black vinyl window, because its color absorbs the sun’s heat — a white window would reflect it. Over time, the cycle of expansion and contraction can lead to problems like the seal between the frame and glass breaking.

A better alternative is a window made from Fibrex material. Made from thermoplastic polymer and reclaimed wood fiber, Fibrex material is twice as strong as vinyl and able to withstand temperatures up to 150°F. Its combination of durability and beauty is the reason black Fibrex® material windows are a better idea than black vinyl windows. Fibrex material windows are available through our most economical 100 Series product line .

A balcony with a couch and side table on a Spanish mission-style home with a black tile roof, white walls, and black windows.

The 100 Series Casement Windows chosen for this Utah home are made of Fibrex® material, which can stand up to the region’s scorching summer sun.

Products Shown
100 Series casement window
100 Series Casement Window

Can you get vinyl windows in black?

Yes, vinyl windows are available in a variety of colors, including black. It’s important to note that many vinyl windows are painted, which means they will eventually need to be repainted. On the other hand, Fibrex material windows will never need to be repainted. They’re available in black (and a range of other colors) through our 100 Series product line and have a finish that’s 12x thicker than vinyl for superior scratch resistance.** In fact, these windows are virtually maintenance free.

Do black vinyl windows fade?

Yes, black painted vinyl windows can fade over time. In comparison, color is mixed into Fibrex material during manufacturing for long-lasting beauty that will never fade, flake, blister, or peel.* In fact, we’re so confident in the color performance of a Fibrex material window that we offer a fade warranty.*

A white bedroom with a four-post bed, armchair, and nightstand has two tall black-framed windows with transoms above.

Fibrex® material windows are available through the 100 Series, which is our most affordable product line.

Products Shown
100 Series Picture Window
100 Series Picture Window

Are black vinyl windows more expensive?

Often, black vinyl windows are more expensive because of the technology required to resist fading. It’s less complex to produce a white vinyl window, so darker colors often come with a higher price. Similarly, it costs a little more to get our Fibrex® material windows in dark colors.

Find Fibrex material windows in black and a range of other colors in our most economical product line, the 100 Series.

Curious to know more about how to incorporate striking black windows into your home? We’ve got ideas!

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